Friday, November 12, 2010

KMC Mangalore - Then & Now

After working my ass off I finally got selected in the university I really wanted to go to. Got the second campus in the counseling & was pretty confident that I'll be transferred in no time, but didn't know that fate has planned something else for me.

I came to Mangalore in August 2010 to begin my medical career. Initially I didn't talk to people much, went outside the room only to go to the class or to the mess. Even my room-mate wasn't there so had no one to talk to & I was fine with it as I was pretty sure that I'll get a transfer.
Time went by & nothing happened, no vacancy, no shift but I didn't give up my hope & waited till the very last moment. It didn't happen. So, I was kinda broken, helpless, shattered actually but couldn't do anything.

Classes went on & on for sometime. Then came the CR elections. Sadly, because of a friend I stood for it & got screwed :P. Don't wanna go in the details. Anyways, I decided on getting to know people here. I was taken aback when I came to know that my colleagues didn't even know that I was in their batch. Getting to know that people to whom I talk on a regular basis don't know my batch was freaky. They used to say "Are you in MBBS? I thought you were a BDS guy." Not their mistake as I used to hang out with the BDS guys quite a lot. This went on for a few days along with different questions "Did you join late?" & "Are you a day-scholar?" followed by me telling them that I've been here from the very first day & I stay in the hostel itself & then the laughing together.

I used to believe that people here were really nerdy and boring but after socializing for a while i realized that I was wrong. Though some of them are nerdy (my best friend is a nerd :P). But most of them are pretty cool and funny. Really talented and bright students.

Now, when I can say that I have some good friends here I've got some amazingly awesome moments to talk about - me screwing up my song, Indranil running "STRAIGHT" on the road, Krishna's Hindi accent, Gondi's "tak keta bis", Mishaal's "abhey saale & yo yo", Ramki's curses, Rutajeets's coffee (to keep him up at night), Malvika's hyperactivity, Anjali crying, Snigdha's terror among other kids, hours of continuous COD & specially the walks with Tofu, aalu & tamatar. :P

I'm glad this place has finally gotten into me & thanks to people here. I hope my next 4 and a 1/2 years would be amazing. Thank you guys - whose names are written above & some whom I've missed (sorry bout that) - for making it so awesome for me. That is it for now. I'll keep on updating my experiences in other posts that follow. :)


  1. awww...
    good thing u didn gt manipal. :P

  2. nice hai.. brings a smile whn u read it :)
    m glad saurabh md us meet hehehehe cz "saaggaarrr tu yaha nai hota toh mera kya hota" :)
    though m sry i ws amng d frst few ppl hu askd u if u wr a BDS guy :p
    n hey thnx cz i know u wr complimntin me whn u said "pretty cool nd funny" :p

  3. ahem :P :D
    itz gud.....saggyyyyyyy (remember??)
    n as punto duz make u smile n makes u feel dat whrevr v r.....v all hav landed at d ryt place! :):)

