Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Expectations : Root cause of misery.

Expect something from someone, he/she lets you down, you feel bad, you end up being sad.

When you start expecting from someone you give him/her the power to influence you, your feelings, your mind, your human nature and everything around you. For example -you expect a friend to call on your birthday but he doesn’t, you expect a friend to inform you first about something but he doesn’t at all, you expect to be someone’s closest friend but then you realize that you are not even counted in the “good friends”.

When you come to know about this it can totally piss you off and its okay, after all you had your reasons to expect from the other person. There must be some kind of relationship that you guys have. It all can be justified.

I’ve done my part. In the end nothing happened. I ended up infuriated. I just learnt from my own mistakes - don’t expect from others. It’ll get you nothing except pain, sorrow, anger, exasperation and aggravation.

Most of the people won’t even consider that you’ve done something for them. For them its just a trifle favor which can easily be repaid. Do something for others, help them but don’t expect anything in return.

1 comment:

  1. :) dts wht i meant whn i said "not every seed u sow becums a tree. neithe does every tree give back the sweetest fruit.."

    cheers ur 19 n ur evolving :)
