Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Crossroads play a very important role in a person’s life, in determining what he is gonna do and what he is gonna be. Its funny to realize that your one decision can completely change what you are. Your whole life depends on your decisions. Not on the path you chose but on the path you abandon. What would have happened if you would have done the other thing? This is a question which we usually ask ourselves (at least I do) but the thing is that we’ll never come to know what would have happened. Life takes different turns in different circumstances. People say that things would have been better if you would have done the other thing but it doesn’t work like that. You can take your bloody head off but you won’t come to know what you’ve missed. Every decision comes with its own consequences - its experiences, punishments and rewards. It depends on you if you like it or not. Actually the rewards and punishments don’t matter. The only thing that stays with you is the experience. Thats what you can talk about, thats what you can pass on to other people, thats what matters.

If you clear your head and try to analyze it life gets really simple and decisions even simpler. Every crossroad has a simple answer and you know it without exception - you want it or you don’t, you wanna go or you wanna stay, you wanna live or you wanna die. In the two options one is right and the other is wrong. Most of us take the easy way out because the other one is too damn hard. I don’t think theres any harm in taking the easy way. The only difference is that if you take the harder path the reward is better and by reward i mean the experience of hardships. Its like Robert Frost says -

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
 I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

What exactly is the author trying to say here? He is just telling us that since he took the path which most of the people leave - that being the right or the hard one - he has something different and more exciting to tell us. Exploration, getting to know something new - thats what life is all about. Take the harder way and trust me you’ll be more satisfied than any other person in the whole World.


  1. Love the poem
    Love the post
    Agree completely.

    At the risk of sounding extremely repetitive...u write so fucking well!! :-O

  2. smbdy has been doin a lot of thinking.. good hai :)

    i noe we're alwz curious bout whteva path we dnt take but the things is u shoudnt regret.. cz at dt point of time dts wht u wanted..

    btw i Love it :)
